Welcome to Sirocco Station

Advertisement Banners

Jump to: My Ads, Other Peoples, Make Your Own, Adding Banners to Your Site

Here are all the banners from my startpage. Information for uploading banners and adding them to your own site can be found below.

My Banners

Sirocco Station Brown - Premium BeBeCe Ale Zieman Shield Generators Jjagged Bbanner Imperial Navy Riedquatian Ultra Coffee RoboFlora Lance and Ferman Legalize Mycoid! Longhaul Outpost Berihn Shipping

Other People's Banners

I have had a lot of cool banners sent to me, you can view them all here!

Making your own banners

If you like you can make banners of your own and send them to me.

There are some guidelines you have to think of:

  • The banner must be either a .GIF or a .JPG image file.
  • The banner must be 60 pixels high and 468 pixels wide.
  • The banner image must be smaller than 15kb. If it's larger I will compress it.
  • It must be Elite related. Everything else will be laughed at and then fed to a ravenous Itorilleta.

Adding banners to your own site

The only thing you need to do to have these lovely banners on your page is to include the following code sections.

Don't forget drop me a line and let me know you are using them, it's always nice to know.

Place this code where you want the add to appear:

<!-- Sirocco Station FEU ads -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// -->

You also need to place this line of code in the <HEAD> ... </HEAD> part of your page:

<script src="http://sirocco.dream-ware.co.uk/banners.js"

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