Welcome to Sirocco Station

Ship Poll: Complete Vote Results

Here you can see the entire result from the vote page. Note: I'm only listing ships that has gotten more than one vote.

Best Ship

Ship Votes
Asp 19
Imp. Courier 16
Cobra Mk3 12
Viper Mk2 11
Panther 8
Harrier 7
Constrictor 6
Krait 5
Moray 4
Osprey X 3
Imp. Trader 3
Imp. Explorer 3
Python 2
Cobra Mk1 2
Merlin 2
T.Transporter 2
Sidewinder 2
Adder 2
Tiger 2
Viper 2
Boa 2

Worst Ship

Ship Votes
Interp. Shuttle 27
Lifter 20
Mantis 5
Lion 5
Lanner 4
Panther 4
Wyvern 4
Lanner II 4
Imp. Explorer 4
Anaconda 3
Kestrel 3
Eagle Mk2 2
Eagle Mk3 2
Thargon 2
Transporter 2
Moray 2
Asp 2
Imp. Courier 2
T. Warship 2
Boa 2
Tiger 2
Cobra Mk1 1

Votes prior to 2001

Ship Votes Percent
Imp.Explorer 11 16%
Asp 9 13%
Cobra Mk3 8 12%
T.Warship 7 10%
Imp. Courier 5 7%
Turner 4 6%
Panther 4 6%
Viper Mk2 3 4%
OsperyX 2 3%
Constrictor 2 3%
Falcon 2 3%
Krait 1 1%
Cobra Mk1 1 1%
Spar 1 1%
Skeet 1 1%
Krait 1 1%
Wyvern 1 1%
Python 1 1%
Harris 1 1%
Boa 1 1%
Merlin 1 1%
Imp. Trader 1 1%