Frontier Art
Here you can find some frontier-inspired art I have made.
If you would like bigger images with more colors mail me and I'll send them to you.
If you have made some images of your own you can mail them to me and I will include them on this page.
The TEB Crowd

A sort of group picture of the regulars in #theelitebar. Click on image for details (coming soon).
Orbiting Phekda 5

Python docking with Fort Gonzalez in the Phekda system.
Tiger trader being attacked by a Krait

Made it as a logo for this page but it became too big and I didn't want to resize it.
Oscar, the lonely android

Oscar, rumored to be the android uncle of commander Mosser,
in a fight with Ocker and Blonk outside a bar. Another image of Oscar (trying to devour a EBBS regular) can be found
Join the Imperial Navy

Imperial recruiting poster.
Other peoples art
Some nice frontier art sent to me by nice people. Are you nice? If you are you can send me some of your work and I will put it up here.
Adam Green a.k.a RedGamma
Adam has made some very beautiful 3D-rendered space images.
He says that these are old and that he's working on newer and better ones. Oh boy I can't wait!

Click on one of the images for full size.
(Top of page)