Space Stations
Here is a short presentation of the orbital space stations you can encounter during your voyages.
Axeblade Station
Type: Orbital City/Station
Variants: 3 diffrent number of arms.
Where: Common. Example: Casablanca Town, Alioth[0,4]
Claw Station
Type: Orbital Station
Variants: None
Where: Uncommon. Example: Fort Gomez, Phekda[2,5]
Coriolis Station
Type: Orbital Trading Post
Variants: 3 diffrent arm combinations
Where: Common fringe station. Example: Lave station, Lave[-3,-6]
Gyro Station
Type: Orbital Trading Post
Variants: none
Where: Uncommon. Example: Dickens Base, Vequess[0,-4]
Hi-Tech Station
Type: Orbital City
Variants: 3 diffrent arm configurations
Where: Common in rich systems. Example: M. Gorbachev, Sol[0,0]
Tube Station
Type: Orbital Station
Variants: None
Where: Not very common. Example: Dublin Citadel, Gateway[-1,4]
Wheel Station
Type: Orbital Station
Variants: none
Where: Common. Example: La Soeur du Dan Ham, Riedquat[-3,-6]
Thargoid Station
Type: ???
Variants: Unique
Where: Miacke [37,144]
Military Defence Satellite
Type: Satellite
Variants: Size differences
Where: Military targets
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